~An Introduction to Myself~

As an introduction, here are some basic facts about myself:

-        My first name is Victoria, which I am not so fond of...
-        I was born 21st March, therefore making me a border-line Aries
I am a vegetarian, and don’t think I could ever convert back
I am studying film in college, however hope to be a helicopter pilot officer in the Army
I am only 5ft 1 inches, which always makes a good conversation starter

And here are some category questions, to give you a little more insight...:
-        Scents: Tea, new books, fresh cotton and wood-burning fires
-        Personality: Deep-thinker, creative, humble and athletic (my friend's words, not my own)
-        Seasons: Autumn/Winter
-        Weather: Rain, thunder and lightening
-        Music: Punk rock/rock
-        Interests: Writing, sketching, filming/photography, travelling and journaling
-        Style: Hipster, occasionally soft grunge or androgynous
-        Some likes: Spontaneous adventure, long-deep conversations and any type of musical
-        Some dislikes: People who support inequality, close-mindedness and patronisation

 And finally, to finish off, some additional facts...:
-        I am a perfectionist, and work better with a set form of organisation
My sense of sarcasm is astounding, and practically a second language 
-        I consider myself to be an introverted-extrovert (so essentially, an ambivert)
-        If I was given a wish or two, one would be to have genius-intellect
-        If I could have a superpower, it would be the ability to fly

Quote of the Day:
- “
Blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures
